The sexy steampunk Truth Coffee Roasting shop in Buitenkant street, Cape Town, has been mentioned by acclaimed UK news agency, The Telegraph, as being the very best in the whole world – and we agree they’re the cream of the crop!

From a list of 13 unique coffee shops and roasteries in the world,  Truth’s steampunk-inspired artisan coffee shop – a warehouse filled from top to bottom with metal piping and quirky, old machinery – surfaced on top, grinding out some of the top shops in France, Vienna, Singapore and Italy.

The other global coffee shops listed by The Telegraph are:

2. Coffee Academics, Hong Kong
3. Barista Parlor, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
4. La Cafeotheque, Paris, France
5. Cafe Central, Austria, Vienna
6. Johan & Nyström, Stockholm, Sweden
7. Department of Caffeine, Singapore
8. Single Origin Roasters, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
9. Sant’Eustachio Il Caffè, Rome, Italy
10. Workshop Coffee, London
11. Double Tall, Tokyo, Japan
12. Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Portland, US
13. Fazil Bey, Istanbul, Turkey

While The Telegraph must know their stuff if they chose Truth as their favourite caffeine depot on the globe – they don’t know SA like we do… because if they did, they would have told you about these too…

Truth Coffee Shop

Truth Coffee

Here are Traveller24′s Top 10 South African coffee shops.. These quaint caffeine spots were all chosen because of their initiative in roasting their own coffee blends, or for the unique coffee drinking experience they offer SA locals and visitors. Click here for the top 10 list…